Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ORB... Magic

Ok so the daggiest ever name for a blog, no doubt, but tough.
Operation: Rebuild Barbarella (ORB) is all about rebuilding my life how I WANT it to be.

There's a lot of healing and mind-shifts that have taken place. Physical, spiritual and psychological changes and growth have been occurring.

I'm 5 years from 40, and that scares the living f*%k out of me! Not the age, oh no. But what I have done, and where I am, and where the heck I might end up. THAT is the scary part.

So here are some big changes that have already occurred:

I quit smoking on Feb 21 2008.
This is huge. I come from a family of professional smokers, a pack a day chainsmoking habit that ruled my life. That is no longer the case, I'm proud to say. I had hypnosis with a psychologist to end the addiction and I will forever be grateful that it has worked.

I have begun to be KINDER to myself.
Following the success of my Quit, I wanted to work on a couple of other aspects of my life, and one of the biggest things that came out of the sessions is that I have been filled with self loathing, deep damaging self hatred, for a very long time.

Now, that internal dialogue has been shut down, I am more gentle with myself, and this also has shown in physical ways. I'm not killing myself at gym doing hardcore weights. Instead, I am taking pleasure in the activity I do. I joined Curves recently, and in June joined Weight Watchers. No extremes for once in my life, just gentle, positive and balanced self-care.

And now, I plan to use this space to record things I am thankful for each day. At my final psychology session, it was suggested that I take a moment each day and note down three things I am thankful for. Kind of like a gratitude journal, I guess.

So here are the three things I am most thankful for:
My husband
My son
My daughter

They are the most amazing people in my life, and for as much trouble as they can throw my way, they give so much love and support that I am proud to have them in my life. I feel BLESSED to be able to share in their lives. I am thankful they are my world.

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Am so proud of you Babs xoxox